The 2014 Middle East Festival, MESP 2014
1/3 - 23/3/2014: MESP 2014 Main Events
16/5 - 30/5/2014: MESP 2014 Middle Eastern Film Festival
15/2 - 21/3/2014: MESP 2014 Partner Events
28/2 - 31/5/2014: MESP 2014 Exhibitions
13/4 - 30/11/2014: MESP 2014 Future Events
MESP 2014 Festival Brochure
MESP 2014 Poster
MESP 2014 Middle Eastern Film Festival Brochure
MESP 2014 Middle Eastern Film Festival Poster
MESP 2014 Calendar
MESP 2014 Welcome and Introduction
MESP 2014 Registration Forms
MESP 2014 Main Events Booking Options
MESP 2014 Photo Gallery
MESP 2013, Report
Contact: Neill Walker,
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
, 0131 331 4469.
Read more: Edinburgh Celebrates Middle Eastern Spirituality and Peace
Representing Spiritualities and Cosmologies in Art, Conference, 7 December 2013
The Face of the Beloved, 2-Day Retreat, 23 - 24 November 2013
Sufi Kirtan, 22 November 2013
His Eminence Garchen Triptrul Rinpoch, Retreat, 8 - 10 November 2013
Dances of Universal Peace, Evening Workshop, 26 October 2013
Welcoming the Soul in Community, Day Workshop, 26 October 2013
Healing Sounds of the Wandering Dervishes of Turkey, Latif Bolat, 20 October 2013
Happiness, Health and Wellbeing, Talk/Forum and Conference, 11 - 12 October 2013
Eight Hour Kirtan, 28 September 2013
Dances of Universal Peace, 12, 26 September, 10, 24 October, 14, 28 November, 12 December 2013
Healing for Ourselves, Others and the Planet, 11, 25 September, 9, 23 October, 13, 27 November, 11 December 2013
Photography Exhibition: Human Rights and Wrongs, 14 July - 3 August 2013
Science and Spiritual Practice, Conference, 14 - 15 June 2013
Brenda Carter Blessings, 5 June 2013
Fr Laurence Freeman, OSB, 2-Day Retreat, 1 - 2 June 2013
Fr Laurence Freeman, OSB, Talk/Forum, 31 May 2013
The Journey of the Shaman, 2-Day Retreat, 25 - 26 May 2013
Honouring the Roots of the Salisbury Centre through Meditation, Movement and Music, 23 May, 13 and 27 June, 11 and 25 July 2013
Counselling, Spirituality and Faith, Day Workshop, 27 April 2013
Chloe Goodchild, 2-Day Retreat, 20 - 21 April 2013, Edinburgh
Alastair McIntosh, Talk/Forum, 4 April 2013
23/2 - 17/3/2013: MESP 2013 Main Events
7/2 - 21/2/2013: MESP 2013 Middle Eastern Film Festival
5/2 - 20/3/2013: MESP 2013 Partner Events
27/1 - 24/2/2013: MESP 2013 Exhibition
Tao of Movement, Stillness, Breath and Sound, 2-Day Retreat, 8 - 9 December 2012
Check here for other announcements in due course.
For further information:
Contact: Neill Walker,
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
, 0131 331 4469.
The 2013 Middle East Festival, MESP 2013
23/2 - 17/3/2013: MESP 2013 Main Events
7/2 - 21/2/2013: MESP 2013 Middle Eastern Film Festival
5/2 - 20/3/2013: MESP 2013 Partner Events
27/1 - 24/2/2013: MESP 2013 Exhibition
MESP 2013 Festival Brochure
MESP 2013 Poster
MESP 2013 Middle Eastern Film Festival Brochure
MESP 2013 Middle Eastern Film Festival Poster
MESP 2013 Calendar
MESP 2013 Welcome and Introduction
MESP 2013 Registration Forms
MESP 2013 Main Events Booking Options
MESP 2013 Photo Gallery
MESP 2012, Report
Contact: Neill Walker, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , 0131 331 4469.
Read more: Edinburgh Celebrates Middle Eastern Spirituality and Peace
Science and Spiritual Practice Conference, 14 - 15 June 2013
Fr Laurence Freeman, OSB, 2-Day Retreat, 1 - 2 June 2013
Fr Laurence Freeman, OSB, Talk/Forum, 31 May 2013
Chloe Goodchild, 2-Day Retreat, 20 - 21 April 2013, Edinburgh
MESP 2013, The 2013 Middle East Festival, 1 February - 17 March 2013
The Tao of Movement, Stillness, Breath and Sound, 2-Day Retreat, 8 - 9 December 2012
The Journey of the Shaman, 2-Day Retreat, 24 - 25 November 2012
The Buddha's Relics Tour, 14 - 16 September 2012
Latif Bolat, Concert and Day Workshop, 15 - 16 June 2012
Scottish Screening Tour of the 'Dalai Lama Renaissance' Documentary Film, with Q & A with Producer-Director Khashyar Darvich, 6-12 June 2012
Celtic Spirituality, 2 Day Workshops, 26 - 27 May 2012
Celtic and Middle Eastern Spirituality, Music and Chanting, 25 May 2012
Chloe Goodchild, 2-Day Retreat, 19 - 20 May 2012, Glasgow
Chloe Goodchild, 2-Day Retreat, 12 - 13 May 2012, Edinburgh
Prof Paul Rogers, Talk/Forum, 9 May 2012
MESP 2012 Middle Eastern Film Festival on Tour: 3 May 2012
MESP 2012 Middle Eastern Film Festival on Tour: 28 April 2012
Check here for other announcements in due course.
For further information:
Contact: Neill Walker,
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
, 0131 331 4469.
The 2012 Middle East Festival, MESP 2012
6/2 - 20/2/2012: MESP 2012 Middle Eastern Film Festival
11/2/2012: MESP 2012 Workshop on History and Themes of Kurdish Cinema
16/2/2012: MESP 2012 Masterclass with Yuksel Yavuz
18/2/2012: MESP 2012 The Agent Ria:registeredinart Artist’s Talk and Screening - Hakan Akçura
21/2 - 29/2/2012: MESP 2012 Pre Events
1/3 - 11/3/2012: MESP 2012 Main Events
29/1 - 17/3/2012: MESP 2012 Exhibitions
24/3/2012: MESP 2012 One World Peace Concert
28 April 2012: MESP 2012 Middle Eastern Film Festival on Tour
3 May 2012: MESP 2012 Middle Eastern Film Festival on Tour
MESP 2012 Festival Brochure
MESP 2012 Calendar
MESP 2012 Welcome and Introduction
MESP 2012 Registration Forms
MESP 2012 Main Events Booking Options
MESP 2012 Photo Gallery
MESP 2012, Introduction
MESP 2012, Announcement and Invitation to Participate
MESP 2012, Guidelines for Participation
MESP 2012, Proposal Submission Form
MESP 2011, Report
To discuss possible participation in MESP 2012:
Contact: Neill Walker,
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
, 0131 331 4469.
Read more: Edinburgh Celebrates Middle Eastern Spirituality and Peace
Satish Kumar Visit to Edinburgh
Organised by the Edinburgh International Centre for Spirituality and Peace, EICSP, Scottish Charity, SC038996
Saturday 10 December 2011
1. Day Workshop with Satish Kumar.
Title: Soil, Soul and Society.
Venue: Sanctuary, Augustine United Church, 41 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh.
Date: Saturday 10 December 2011.
Time: Registration: 10.30am-11am. Day Workshop: 11am-1pm, and 3pm-5.30pm.
Cost: £50. For a Registration Form:
Contact: Neill Walker,
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
, 0131 331 4469.
On-Line Booking
2. Talk/Forum with Satish Kumar.
Title: Towards a Vision of Sustainability, Spirituality and Justice.
Chair: The Rt Rev Brian Smith.
Forum on Sustainability, Spirituality and Justice.
Forum Panellists: Sister Candasiri of the Amaravati Buddhist Monastery;
Kathy Galloway, Head of Christian Aid Scotland, former leader of the Iona Community, writer, theologian, campaigner;
Alastair McIntosh, campaigning academic, speaker, writer, poet and broadcaster.
Venue: Sanctuary, Augustine United Church, 41 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh.
Date: Saturday 10 December 2011.
Time: Registration: 6.30pm-7pm. Talk/Forum: 7pm onwards.
Cost: £10/£8 (Concessions).
Contact: Tickets Scotland Ltd, 127 Rose Street, Edinburgh, EH2 3DT. 0131 220 3234. 9am-6pm (8pm Thursday), 11am-6pm Sundays.
Satish Kumar Visit to Edinburgh 2-Sided A5 Flyer
Satish Kumar Visit Press Release
Read more: Satish Kumar Visit to Edinburgh, 10 December 2011
Prajnaparamita Visit to Edinburgh
Organised in association with Edinburgh International Centre for Spirituality and Peace, EICSP, Scottish Charity, SC038996
18-20 November 2011
Meeting in the Heart
Talks with Prajnaparamita
on Awakening, Love, Truth and Compassion
Born and living in the Netherlands, Prajnaparamita has been in search of her true nature all her life. Initially investigating and studying psychology, religion and philosophy, she eventually met a truly awakened soul and surrendered her heart, her mind and her life. Over several decades Prajnaparamita received a rich vista of non-dual teachings: Advaita Vedanta, Mahayana Buddhism, Zen and Ch'an.
After her enlightenment, more than a decade ago, Prajnaparamita was assigned by her spiritual Master, ShantiMayi, to be a Guru herself and 'spread the light all over the world.'
Since then she has unceasingly offered satsang* and intensives worldwide, inspiring all who are longing to awaken to their inherent Buddha nature.
Her teachings are no teachings really. In the togetherness of the satsang, in her response to questions being asked about all aspects of life, there is a spontaneous expression of universal truth, as an ongoing encouragement to come to rest in natural peace.
*Satsang means being together with an enlightened one, who is fully available to guide people to the light of their own wisdom-heart. This meeting can be an inspiration to find your way to truth that will bring you to fulfilment of your deepest desire: inner peace and freedom.
In the meetings with Prajnaparamita questions can be asked or one can just be present in silence. The real meeting is beyond all words; the real meeting is in the silence of the heart, where all differences merge in One.
Be courageous,
and surrender to
the unspeakable mystery
that you are.
Give yourself
to this sublime Love,
that is silently abiding
in the depth of your heart.
- Prajnaparamita -
Satsang with Prajnaparamita will be held on the following -
Friday 18 November 2011: 7.30pm-9.30pm.
Saturday 19 November 2011: 3pm-5pm and 7.30pm-9.30pm.
Gayatri Meditation: 9am-10am.
Sunday 20 November 2011: 10.30am-12.30pm.
Venue: Augustine United Church,
41 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh, EH1 1EL.
Cost: Satsang: £12. Meditation is free.
Invitation to Participate in:
World Sufism Symposium Edinburgh:
The Sufi Path in the 21st Century,
Friday September 30 – Sunday October 2, 2011
Co-sponsored by the Edinburgh International Centre for Spirituality and Peace, EICSP, Scottish Charity, SC038996 ( in conjunction with the International Association of Sufism ( and the Sufi Ruhaniat Edinburgh and UK communities.
Sufism is a diverse spiritual path, with expressions unique to many world ecological areas and cultures. At the same time, the Sufi path focuses on and expresses the ideal of "unity," based on at least 1,300 years of tradition. As such, Sufism represents a post-modern form of interspirituality that emphasizes respect and empathy, as well as the importance of deep relationship and social responsibility.
The World Sufism Symposium 2011 will be an international gathering of Sufis, with presenters and participants reflecting the wide diversity of Sufi mysticism, coming from different areas and cultures. Sufi teachers from Africa, Bangladesh, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, the UK and the USA have confirmed their participation for this gathering. This event will provide opportunity to meet, and to hear from, presenters and participants coming from Sufi schools, orders and tariqas worldwide. Many of the presenters are also active in current ecological, political and cultural movements in their areas. Several opportunities will be provided for experiencing different forms of Sufi devotional practice.
The Symposium will begin on the Friday evening in Augustine United Church, Edinburgh, with Sufi music, poetry, storytelling and devotional practice. Events on Saturday and Sunday will take place at the Gillis Centre, a large retreat centre in Edinburgh. A welcome and introductory talk on Saturday will be given by Dr Nahid Angha, one of the co-founders of the International Association of Sufism. Subject matter for discussion panels on Saturday and Sunday will include: Health and Healing; Everyday Life; Ecology; Service and Psychology; Women's Justice and Education Issues; and the Arts. Chant, meditation, dhikr (remembrance) and prayer will intersperse the presentations and will be featured in several events during the weekend.
For Further Information Contact: For a Registration Form:
Fateah Alice Saunders, 44-(0)131-664-6206,
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
On-Line Booking - Registration for the Public
On-Line Booking - Registration for Presenters
Accommodation Options
Detailed Listing for Evening of Sufi Music, Poetry, Storytelling and Devotional Practice, Augustine United Church, Friday 30 September 2011
Detailed Listing for World Sufism Symposium Edinburgh: The Sufi Path in the 21st Century, The Gillis Centre, Saturday 1 - Sunday 2 October 2011
World Sufism Symposium Edinburgh, 2-Sided A5 Flyer
World Sufism Symposium Edinburgh Finalised Schedule and Presenter Biographies
World Sufism Symposium Edinburgh Report
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