Other Resources
Social Networking Links: see the EICSP Social Networking links on the right hand side of the front page of the EICSP Website.
Facebook: please join us in the Edinburgh International Centre for Spirituality and Peace, EICSP, Facebook Group.
Facebook: please join us in the Edinburgh International Centre for Spirituality and Peace, EICSP, Facebook Group.
Myspace: please join us in the Edinburgh International Centre for Spirituality and Peace, EICSP, Myspace Group.
Facebook: please join us in the Edinburgh International Festival of Middle Eastern Spirituality and Peace, MESP, Facebook Group.
Myspace: please join us in the Edinburgh International Festival of Middle Eastern Spirituality and Peace, MESP, Myspace Group.
Twitter: please join us for EICSP and MESP updates on Twitter.
Twitter: please join us for EICSP and MESP updates on Twitter.