

EICSP Participation

Participation in the EICSP

The EICSP is not a membership organisation, nor is it a representative organisation. A more flexible model is required for a facilitation and events-led organisation whose principal subject is world spiritualities. We would like to encourage individuals and organisations to get in contact if you would like to become actively involved in our work. All of the events of the EICSP are intended for full public participation. We aspire to organise our events in an inclusive and accessible fashion for wide public benefit and participation.


EICSP Participation in Initiatives to Attract
National and International Events to Scotland

Those involved in the EICSP, and through the former EICWS, were one of the lead organisations involved in a bid from Scotland to attract the Parliament of the World’s Religions Meeting to Scotland. Out of 14 locations who expressed an interest, and after an elaborate bidding process, the bid from Scotland was one of the two finalists with Barcelona. Both bids were evaluated as excellent, satisfying all of the bid requirements. Much was learned from this bid process, and many contacts were established. Those involved in the EICSP co-hosted, with the International Association of Sufism and EIAL, the Sufism Symposium in Edinburgh in September 2006. Other such opportunities will be considered in future.


EICSP Participation in National and International Spiritual Events

The EICSP has established good contacts with all of the principal spiritual traditions across Scotland, the UK, and with many of the key spiritual organisations globally, as well as with spiritual leaders who work on a global scale. The former EICWS had representatives at the Millennium Peace Summit, August 28-31, 2000, at the United Nations, New York, at the Global Peace Initiative of Women Religious and Spiritual Leaders, October 6-9, 2002, at the United Nations, Geneva, at the Parliament of the World’s Religions Meeting, 4-13 July 2004, in Barcelona, and at the 100 Imams and Rabbis for Peace Gathering, 3-6 January 2005, Brussels.

Please also read the EICSP Volunteering Policy and the EICSP Equal Opportunities Policy.